​I present to your attention a permanent column ‘Useful Links’. In this
section I will publish all those useful links to resources that fall
my opinion. Thank you for your attention.

1) Dupdub – voice acting in a few seconds

2) Resemble – creating a human voice

3) Soundful – unique tracks

πŸ’­ Chatbots

1) Chai – creating a chat bot

2) Openai – help with coding

3) Circlelabs – creation of bots and communication with them

4) Character – open communication and collaboration with computers

5) Meetmaya – business combination for quick solutions

6) Quickchat – creation of AI assistants

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»For coders

1) AI2sql – SQL queries without knowledge of SQL.

2) code – code snippets and analysis code applications

3) Durable – create websites in a second

4) Excelformulabot – text conversion in excel

5) Mintlify – creating beautiful documentation that converts

6) Modern – stay tuned for API changes

7) Mutable – create code quickly and efficiently

8) otter tune – given administrator

9) Pygma – Turn Figma projects into high quality code

10) Replit – speed up coding with AI and mob. application

11) Stenography – automatic documentation.

12) Tabnine – AI assistant for software developers.

πŸ“ Copywriting

1) Anyword – AI copywriting

2) Clickable – creating ads in a second

3) Strife – rethink your content in new formats.

4) Contents – strengthening your content strategy

5) Hypotenuse – writing content in seconds

6) Jasper – create amazing original content 10x faster

7) Short stories – AI storytelling

8) Novuswriter – AI content creation

9) Peppertype – virtual content assistant

10) Writer – AI for teams

πŸ‘¨β€πŸŽ¨ Design

1) Deepimagination – creating 3D content from text

2) Diagram – magical new ways to design products

3) Uizard – design of applications, websites, prototypes

4) vizcom – your drawings come to life in seconds

πŸŒ„ Illustration

1) Pharmacy – unleash the potential of unlimited visual content

2) Crayon – drawing AI models from any hint

3) Openai – create realistic images and drawings from natural language description

4) Vocabulary – search engine stable distribution

5) MidJourney – create beautiful AI artwork by simply entering a text prompt describing the image

6) Pixelz – Generator AI increases

7) Playground – search tool for images created by artificial intelligence

8) Rosebud – visual effects created by artificial intelligence

9) Stability – Convert text to image with default resolution of 512×512 and 768×768 pixels

10) Waifulabs – drawing anime portraits to order

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